Repack Release Date:  08/04/2023

Game Version:  v25346 Early Access - Build 10510155

Download Size:  29.8 GB

Install Size:  92.0 GB

Languages:  English, French, German, Czech, Korean & Simplified Chinese

Repack Notes:  Launch via "ReadyOrNot.exe" or shortcut.
Make sure Steam is open before launching the game.
You CAN'T play with legit players!

Installer Music:  "Stars" by VIZE & Laniia


PLEASE NOTE: Disable Anti-virus before installing!
Password for .rar is "M4CKD0GE"
Only extract part1.rar (it will extract any other parts automatically)

FIXED EXE DOWNLOAD (fixes error-code -2 "Unsupported compression method msc" when installing)
Replace the Setup.exe and that's it. So sorry about the issue, completely my bad everyone <3

PART 1  |  PART 2  |  PART 3  |  PART 4  |  PART 5  |  PART 6  |  PART 7  |  PART 8
PART 1  |  PART 2  |  PART 3  |  PART 4  |  PART 5  |  PART 6  |  PART 7  |  PART 8
PART 1  |  PART 2  |  PART 3  |  PART 4  |  PART 5  |  PART 6  |  PART 7  |  PART 8
PART 1  |  PART 2  |  PART 3  |  PART 4  |  PART 5  |  PART 6  |  PART 7  |  PART 8
Massive thank you to (for Multiplayer Fix) & Masquerade as always! <3
Made with tools from Razor12911, ProFrager & Bulat Ziganshin